Ministry of labour and social affairs


The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Federal Republic of Somalia


The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Somali Federal government is mandated to provide policy direction and guidance on all labour administration and vocational training matters. The Ministry is also mandated to protect and develop the labour force to contribute to the socio-economic development of the Somalia Federal Government.

The ministry consists of eight specialized departments:

  1. Admin and Finance: 
  2. Information and Public Relations: 
  3. Employment and Job Creation: 
  4. Training and TVET: 
  5. Planning and Research: 
  6. Legal and Labour Relations: 
  7. Occupational Safety and Health: 
  8. Social Protection:


H.E. Mr. Yusuf Mohamed Adan

Minister of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

H.E. Mr. Osman Libah Ibrahim

Deputy Minister of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

H.E. Mr. Eynanshe Yusuf Hussein

State Minister of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Mr. Yusuf Adan Isaaq

Director General of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

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