Ministry of labour and social affairs



For conducting social protection studies in Somalia 2022 /2023


Subject: Consultancy for Social protection Study series Somalia Closing date: 18thJanuary 2023


Social transfers for vulnerable people (SAGAL) Project background

The proposes of the project is to improve resilience of households to conflict and Jo climate related shocks and disasters targeting 44,221 households (265,326 individuals) with a focus on internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and poor host communities. The project will provide cash based social transfers complemented by systems building with government for delivery of social protection. Cash based S social transfers will support households to improve nutrition and food and livelihoods security as well as combining interventions with actions to positively transform gender normsand reduce gender barriers, particularly for women. In line with the UN Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the action will ensure mainstreaming by including people with special needs such as people living with disabilities.

The SAGAL project is led by MoLSA and implemented by Somali Cash Consortium with Concern Worldwide (Concern) as lead agency and its members Save the Children International (SCI), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and Danish Refugee Council (DRC). The approach has two components: to reduce vulnerability and poverty to reduce the impact of shocks and disasters through: 1) the provision of cash based social transfer to support targeted households linking humanitarian and development approaches. 2) the provision of support to build systems at the federal, regional and district levels required for a government-led social protection system. The action is in line with the government’s Somalia Social Protection Policy (SSPP) and the National Development Plan 9 (NDP-9) 2020–2024.

This call for application is directed at academic research institutions / experts of social protection systems/ policies to undertake research assignments and publish a series of social protection articles. Under the direct supervision of the research advisor, the consultant is responsible for the design of methodologies, study designs, conducting researchactivities at field level, and providing capacity-building programs for government manager and advisors. The purpose of this study assignment is to generate evidence about social protection policies and programs in Somalia, particularly focusing on possible financing options, access to and impact of social transfers and (shock responsive safety nets) SRSN on children and mother’s health and nutrition considering barriers and enablers, lessons learned, from Somalia.

Objectives of the assignment:
  1. Explore public financing options (with specific focus on fiscal space), domestic revenue and external funding sources) for investing social protection interventions in Somalia
  2. Explore effectiveness of categorical targeting applied under SAGAL ST1 (Pregnant and Lactating Women), estimating exclusion and inclusion errors and recommending mitigation measures
  3. Evaluate impact of SAGAL transfers and SRSN on pregnant and lactating women’s health and nutrition, understand factors contributed to the outcome and sustainability of the results, and document experiences and lessons learned from Somalia social transfers interventions.

Timeline/Duration: The duration of the assignment is projected to be 8 months starting from contract signature date.The tasks will be commenced simultaneously and or conducted in parallel.

Support from MOLSA and partners

Technical research and M&E team from MOLSA and SCI (including MOLSA M&E and research advisors, SCI researchadvisor and Research Manager from SCI) will participate in the exercise,furthermore, the CMU /cash consortium will provide all necessary assistance including technical inputs from inception to the final reports.


During the period of this assignment, the consultant should provide the below deliverables:

  1. Research protocol together with the detailed methodological approach containing participant selection criteria, sample size, study design, tools, ethical considerations, limitations, timelines, immediate and long-term outcomes for each objective
  2. Inception report, which details objectives and procedures for carrying out each activity taking into consideration the
  3. Detailed financial proposal disaggregated per
  4. Training packages for the study team including enumerators, supervisors, coordinators, research assistants, investigators
  5. Draft reports
  6. Cleaned data sets for storing and archiving including list of participants, quantitative data sets, qualitative data for interviews and focus groups (recordings/transcripts (all in English).
  7. Dissemination plan: prepare dissemination plan;
    • Write up and submit at least tree manuscripts (articles) to be published in a peer reviewed international
    • Prepare a number of presentations with findings, recommendations from the research that will be presentedthrough workshops / conferences and through other channels for information and knowledge
    • Prepare policy brief papers that summarizes and turns the key findings and recommendations into policystatements that the decision makers can easily understand and
Required Skills:
  • Lead consultant: having experience in Social protection systems / policies or other related field with demonstrated extensive experience in robust evaluations and research
  • The institution / consultant must demonstrate significant experience (at least 5 years) in experimental studies both quantitative and qualitative research designs, implementation, analysis / reporting and publishing, especially in the context of
  • Significant experience in large scale studies with facilitation and interviewing
  • Wide-ranging coordination abilities, along with the flexibility and capacity to perform well under pressure in a dynamic environment of rapid change, are required to effectively manage and coordinate complex research projects with multiple methodological, logistical, financial, and programmatic

Consultant academic institutions that fit the requirements should submit an expression of interest in English that is maximum 10 pages long and should include the following:

  • A letter of interest from the consulting institution outlining their comprehension of the terms of
  • Financial proposal detailing professional fees and operational cost to complete each objective
  • A research strategy (must include methodology, Gantt chart, implementation plan, and management)
  • Researcher’s resumes or curriculum vitae that sufficiently demonstrate their background in social protectionresearch
  • A list of 5 recent publications of pertinent
Terms and Conditions:

Terms and conditions will be set in the consultancy contract. The consultant will also be required to sign and adhere to child safeguarding and child Protection Policy and protection, and any violation to these policies will result in immediate termination of the contract.


The titles rights, copyrights, and all other rights of whatever nature in any materials used or generated under the provisions of this consultancy will exclusively be vested with Ministry of Labor and `social affairs (MOLSA), Somalia. All products developed under this consultancy belong to the MOLSA exclusively, guided by the rules of the grant contract. Under no circumstances will the consultant use the information of this study for publication or dissemination to any individual or organization without official prior written permission from MOLSA.

Performance indicators for evaluation
  • The quality of deliverables meets the standards set by MOLSA and specifications outlined in the
  • Deliverables are submitted in a timely manner, as per the timeline in the
  • Technical assistance is contextualized and draws on inputs provided by the

All interested and qualified consultants can apply the assignment through the below email:

Email: and cce’d to

with clear subject heading for the position (Subject: Consultancy for Social protection Study series Somalia)

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

APPLICATION CLOSING DATE is on 18th January 2023

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