Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Federal Government of Somalia
Shock Responsive Safety Net for Human Capital Project (P171346)-BAXNAANO
SNHCP Knowledge Management Consultant under Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
Background |
A Knowledge Management Consultant is required to support the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) in its knowledge management efforts to gather and analyse the experiences and lessons learned during the implementation of the Baxnaano program, supported by the World Bank-funded Shock Responsive Safety Net for Human Capital Project (SNHCP, P171346). The SNHCP development objective is to provide cash transfers to targeted poor and vulnerable households and to establish the key building blocks of a national shock-responsive safety net system. The project was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in August 2019, and became effective in September 2019. In support of activities under the SNHCP, MoLSA seeks to hire a Knowledge Management Specialist as part of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU).
The SNHCP is to be implemented over a three-year period, and consists of three components, as described below.
Component 1 provides unconditional cash transfers (CT) to households that are chronically poor and vulnerable to drought and malnutrition and links them to complementary nutritional support programs. The objectives of the component are: (i) support households to strengthen their resilience and avoid negative coping mechanisms (e.g. selling off existing households’ assets) to meet escalating needs as a result of the drought in the short term; and (ii) promote human capital investment in the medium to long term by linking beneficiary households to complimentary nutrition services (where they exist) and continuing to smooth consumption gaps through the predictable and reliable provision of cash transfer, even after drought risks are no longer present. Around 200,000 beneficiary households (approximately 1.2 million individuals) with children under five years of age will receive a monthly payment of US$ 20 delivered quarterly, initially for a one-year duration. Mothers or female caregivers of the children will be the direct recipients of the transfer. The cash transfer program is known as Baxnaano in Somali and is currently implemented by WFP on behalf of MoLSA. MoLSA will take over the implementation of the CT once the necessary systems have been put in place.
Component 2 aims to establish the critical building blocks of a social protection (SP) delivery system and advance policy development, as well as strengthen the institutional capacity of relevant government ministries to manage and implement it. The objective of the component is to build the capacity of FGS/MoLSA to gradually take over full management and implementation of a safety net program and form the foundation for a more comprehensive social protection system in Somalia. The component is providing policy support and technical assistance for the development of safety net delivery systems, including a unified social registry (USR); Baxnaano Management Information System (MIS); operational procedures for registration, enrolment, targeting, grievance redress, payment delivery, monitoring, community outreach, and information campaign; and capacity building activities. UNICEF is supporting MoLSA through technical assistance to implement this component, and as such, is contracting firms to undertake USR design and software development, as well as the design of the Baxnaano delivery systems.
Component 3 established a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) for the day to day management and supervision of the Baxnaano. It will also strengthen MoLSA’s coordination arrangements, promote learning and knowledge management through robust M&E and explore a design of a pilot productive safety net targeted at youth. Specifically, the PIU has been established at the federal level at MoLSA, with Project Liaison Officers serving as focal points in each of the member states. This component will also focus on strengthening MoLSA’s coordination arrangements within other ministries and stakeholders at the federal level, and between the Federal level and the Member States at the local level.
Job Summary |
Under the direct supervision and guidance of Baxnaano Project Manager, and working closely with the Communication and Monitoring and Evaluation Specialists, the Knowledge Management Consultant will provide technical support to the PIU on documenting lessons and experiences of the implementation of the SNHCP/Baxnaano program to promote learning by doing and adjustments to project design, as well as knowledge dissemination to the broader social protection stakeholders.
Objectives and scope of work |
The Knowledge Management Consultant will be primarily responsible for capturing and disseminating best practices and lessons learned among the SNHCP partners, as well as for raising the visibility of the project – both internally and externally. S/he will work proactivelywork with project and partner teams to identify opportunities for generating and sharing knowledge and mechanisms broadly.
Specific tasks of the Knowledge Management Consultant include: · Develop a knowledge management strategy that enhances current means of culling knowledge from the program, considering innovative types of knowledge products, to broaden the means of dissemination in support of the program’s goals, in consultation with the PIU and the SNHCP partners. · Determine the scope of knowledge management within the Baxnaano program, and assess the requirements in terms of Human Resource, ICT tools and infrastructure, and organizational protocols and structures to ensure an effective Knowledge Management system. · Documenting the lessons from the implementation of component 1, and ensuring that the lesson generated are shared with all partners involved in designing the key delivery systems in component 2. · Identify and facilitate adequate consultations for improved knowledge sharing between the technical consultants hired under component 2 and key stakeholders in the design of the delivery systems and MIS in consultation with the UNICEF’s SP Specialist. · Support on knowledge and information management and dissemination to the Social Protection Steering Committee (SPSC) and the Donor-Government SP Technical Working Group. · Facilitate knowledge exchanges between the FGS and the FMS on the challenges and innovations adopted by the program. Collect and analyse existing knowledge management best practices on social protection and cash transfers within the humanitarian and development context in Somalia through engagements with the implementing partners and government counterparts. · Develop and maintain a Baxnaano events calendar, ensuring that major events are identified early · Support senior management and relevant program teams to develop and manage messages and information material to ensure the success of major events. · Draft concept notes, checklists, ToRs, meeting/workshop reports as may be needed.
Deliverables |
The Knowledge Management Consultant will provide the following deliverables:
1. An operational knowledge management strategy and action plan for 2020/2021 for the SNHCP/Baxnano to strengthen the interaction with key social protection 2. Effective implementation of the Baxnaano knowledge management activities identified in the knowledge management strategy and operational plan. 3. A functional knowledge management sharing and digital utilization platform/library for storing and accessing project knowledge management products including case studies, newsletters, best practices, notes briefings, meeting minutes, studies and reports for utilization by stakeholders 4. Quarterly consolidation and dissemination of the latest lessons learned, innovations, and best practices from the Baxnaano program implementation, in coordination with Project Liaison Officers in FMS for communication with donors, MoLSA PIU, and implementing partners. 5. Timely delivery of consolidated feedback from the government partners to consultants providing technical support to the project implementation. |
Qualifications and Selection Criteria |
1. Bachelor or master’s degree in media and communications, development studies, Monitoring and Evaluation, social sciences, or other fields related to the scope of the assignment.
2. At least five (5) years of proven knowledge management/ reporting/ content development assignments. 3. Strong verbal and written professional communication skills in English and Somali. The candidate will demonstrate proven transparency in sharing information. 4. Experience in organizing conferences, working groups, and other knowledge-sharing events. 5. Experience in editing and publishing newsletters, reports, and other materials 6. Experience in managing online platforms, including websites, list serves, and e‐fora (preferred). 7. Strong analytical and writing skills and exceptional attention to detail. 8. Demonstrated high level administrative skills and ability to work independently and produce high-quality work with minimal supervision. 9. Demonstrated high-level teamwork abilities and an aptitude for working in teams in a cross-cultural environment. 10. Record of publication for a variety of audiences. 11. Ability to work independently and take the initiative in a cross‐cultural environment. |
Application Details |
To apply, send your CV to, indicating the vacancy number and location for the position you are applying to by 25/10/2020.